2023 McNag Conference Announcement
MCNAG (Marine Conservation Norfolk Action Group) invites you to be a part of an exciting conference, sponsored by Exo Engineering, celebrating the significance of the Norfolk coast in relation to both wildlife and people. At this conference, speakers will share their insights and experiences, shedding light on the challenges our marine environment faces.
One of the key questions to be tackled by this conference is how we can effectively engage with different audiences to ensure action is taken regarding marine conservation. MCNAG aims to inspire individuals from various backgrounds to participate in efforts to protect and preserve our marine ecosystems. This conference will analyze whether current legislations are truly safeguarding the marine environment, discussing potential improvements for enhanced conservation measures.
By fostering open dialogue and understanding, MCNAG aims to find common ground between conservationists and the fishing industry, working towards sustainable practices that will safeguard both the industry's livelihood and marine wildlife. Whether you are a dedicated marine enthusiast, a seasoned conservationist, a professional in the field, or simply someone who cherishes the Norfolk coast, this conference has something to offer everyone.
As an action group, MCNAG will provide updates on their ongoing work relating to coastal litter, seabed damage, lost fishing gear, habitat loss, and representation. By highlighting the pressing need for immediate action, MCNAG and its partners hope to motivate attendees to join the cause and make a positive impact on our marine ecosystems.
The 2023 MCNAG conference will be hosted on the 5th of August 2023. It will be held at the NWT Cley Marshes Visitor Centre from 9am till 6pm, with food and drink provided.
Tickets are available now, we hope to see you there!